#1... A BIG thank you to all of my students and parents! Thank you - thank you - thank you for your support of my teaching studio!
Here are the current numbers of The Tuning Note Music Studio, as of 1/1/21!:
Number of Students | 56 |
Number of "1/2 hours" | 60* |
Piano Students | 46 |
Trumpet Students | 10 |
Adult Students | 8 |
Students with a focus on Jazz | 11 |
* looking forward to 70 or 80! |
I look forward to when we can all meet again in person!
Recital Info!
Congratulations to all the fine performers for our 1st Virtual Recital! I'm so proud of all my students and their hard work, and of course thank you to all the parents who have supported their son(s) or daughter(s)...many of you have also learned along the way and it has helped so much! Thank you!
Our video includes 76 videos from 50 different performers, with a special guest at the end! :)
There is also a bonus video which is a video gallery of all the performers! I hope you enjoy the video of our 2020 Virtual Recital!