(News from the teacher's piano!)
Happy Summer to all! I am very excited about 2014 and the many opportunites that are available, from a wide variety of concerts to see, master classes I'll be presenting, and more. This past year I joined the Music Teacher's Association of California (Sacramento Branch), and membership provides several opportunites for students to learn, including participation in or simply attending various performances, as well as participation in the Certificate of Merit Program.
Summer Vacations:
[making up time]....
Announcing The Tuning Note Coloring Book!:
(A Student Summary)
This is where I d like to share with you a little about what some of my students are working on. This month I ll summarize with a listing of some of the composers whose music my students are playing:
- Classical: Bach, Berens, Faber, Gurlitt, Kohler, Kuffner, Mozart
- Jazz: Miles Davis, Kenny Dorham, Jerome Kern, Romberg, Wynton Kelly, John Coltrane, Larry Minsky, Charlie Parker
- Popular Music: Bobby Darin/Jean Murray
One Minute Club News!
I want to welcome Jordan (piano student) to the One Minute Club! He focused very well and made it in at 0:56!
(The members of the One Minute Club are students that have named the main 24 notes of the treble clef and bass clef staves in 60 seconds or less (including all notes of the 5 lines and 4 spaces, both middle C's, and the four space notes below and above each staff).)
Upcoming Classes: I'm excited to begin my Master Class series. More information to follow. |
The Virtuoso
(Recital News)
I'm proud to announce that this year will be my studio's fifth annual recital! The last two years we've enjoyed a successful potluck, so I would like to do the same this year. Regarding a date, I would very much like to have it Saturday, May 12 starting at 3PM (also my birthday!).
This year awards will include the Practice Times Award (given to the student who has consistently written down their practice times at the bottom of their lesson sheets and has shown the most pratice), a Most Improved Award, and the Art in Jazz Award (award for jazz improvisation).
I want to thank in advance the Polish American Club for providing the folding chairs. |
The Interlude
( NOTE-worthy Calendar Events)
The following are performance dates to consider, including The Tuning Note annual studio recital, personal performances, local community symphony, and more! (Please note some dates may be subject to change.)
February 11 |
3-4PM |
TTN Jazz Improvisation Workshop
TTN Music Studio, Folsom, CA
$10 Students, $15 Non-students |
February 11 |
7:30pm |
Music of the Heart
Folsom Lake Symphony Orchestra @ Three Stages |
February 25 |
3:00pm |
Music of our Ancestors, A Celebration in Sprituals and Hymns, featuring Marlynn Smith
Christ Unity Church, Sacramento, CA |
March 10 |
3-4PM |
TTN Jazz Improvisation Workshop
TTN Music Studio, Folsom, CA
$10 Students, $15 Non-students |
March 10 |
7:00pm |
A Tribute to Classic Jazz, featuring Chet Chwalik
Christ Unity Church, Sacramento, CA |
March 24 |
7:30pm |
Glorious Beethoven!
Folsom Lake Symphony Orchestra @ Three Stages |
May 12 |
3:00pm |
Annual Studio Recital
TTN Music Studio, Folsom, CA |
* Just some of the performance Venues to watch for:
The Tuning Note Studio, Three Stages (Folsom, CA), Christ Unity Church, Sac State, Mondavi Center (Davis, CA)
The Tuning Hammer
(Piano Tuning News)
Did you know that the intonation between tones when tuning is measured in cents? Most pianos I ve tuned are generally 10 to 20 cents flat, with several strings needing further adjustment. So it s best to keep that piano regularly tuned!
All existing students receive a 10% discount on piano tuning, making it only $90.00! (regularly $100, depending on travel distance). The more you keep your piano in tune, the easier it will be for it to keep itself in tune longer. A tuned piano is a happy piano!
