T H E    T U N I N G    N O T E    -    A U D I O    T R A N S C R I P T I O N / C H A R T    W R I T I N G

Denise Anya: Gig Audio

Facebook page: Facebook event page
WHEN?: July 16, 2023
Twin Thai Lotus
8345 Folsom Blvd., #119
Sacramento, California 95826
CONTACT: Click here to e-mail me with any questions or call my cell phone.
Vocalist: Denise Anya
Guitar: Bill Dendle
Keys: Chet Chwalik, Ken Meyers, Marina Howell, Chan Louie, Joe Gilman
Bass: Alan Ginter
Drums: Jack Stanfill
prior set lists

Annette W
Carol M
Dahlia K
Ifa E
Lahre S
Rashaad C
William M

Set / No. Title As by... Lyrics Key Orig Key Tempo/Feel Vocalist(s) Audio / Chart

----- Instrumental Blues
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Instrumental Blues
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----
----- Title (key) --- (tempo) DA audio, -----

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