Studio transforms into a recital hall
for annual Spring recitals

Annual End of Summer Outdoor Concert!
Some of the gifts handed out to new students at the Annual Spring Recital:

TTN Mugs

TTN Hats
Old car magnets :)


The Tuning Note - PRIVATE LESSONS:
I provide lessons in piano and trumpet (beginners on up for each) and jazz improvisation (any instrument, but I require some beginning knowledge/experience with the instrument). My approach is to take things at the pace you would like to go. If you or your child has a busy schedule, we can work together to make sure you get the most out of our time together. There are always CDs and links online to listen to, as music is so much a language of its own and hearing how it "should" be done over and over can be very critical to the student's success. I provide a list of recommended recordings, most from my own collection that I can share with you and always look forward to discussion of what you've listened to and learned.
Regarding my background, you can read my professional bio on my personal website, www.chwalik.com/chet/bio.html, but in short I've played the piano since the age of 4 and went on to graduate from the University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music with a Bachelor of Music degree in Jazz Piano Performance. I actually was there for five years, the first four of which I was a Jazz Trumpet Performance Major, but switched during the fifth year and graduated with a Jazz Piano Performance degree. Prior to studying jazz I enjoyed years of success in studying many of the standard and not so standard 'classical' piano pieces, including several Sonatinas, Sonatas, and many, many others, including one of my favorites that I performed at a young age, the Mozart Piano Concerto in A Major no.23. It's such a beautiful piece! Also among my experience with the trumpet I've played with the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, as well as the Folsom Lake Symphony Orchestra.
Home of the OMP Online Music Portfolio
I'm proud to offer each student their very own set of web pages for their music lessons, better known as their Online Music Portfolio.
Although each student receives a lesson sheet at the conclusion of each lesson, each web page includes:
- a brief summary of any theory or music terms covered in the lesson
- what to practice for the next lesson
- a Glossary Page: Each student's glossary only covers the musical terms and theory covered with that specific student.
- an Audio Samples/Video Links Page: This page includes links for audio samples of the pieces the student is learning, as well as other important audio samples and video links important to the development of the student's own skill and music appreciation
- a Games and Learning Tools Page: This page includes fun games and learning tools for learning music theory and some cool ones for ear training!
Click here to see a sample.
DISCOUNTS: Yes, discounts are available!
- 10% off each student's monthly fee, when 2 or more from the same family!
- 10% off Piano Tuning for existing students! (regularly $150 - only $135.00 for existing students!)
Trumpet students: keep in mind I have trumpets here for you to use temporarily (for only during lessons) while yours is getting repaired, left at school by mistake, not yet rented or purchased, etc.
Performance Opportunities:
 Annual Spring Recitals |  Annual End of Summer Outdoor Concert |
There are a number of opportunities for students to perform, including an annual Spring recital and End of Summer outdoor concert. As I am a member of the Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC), there are even more opportunities to perform during recitals held throughout the school months.
Certificate of Merit:
The Certificate of Merit program is offered through the Music Teachers Association of California, through its member teachers.
The Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC) sponsors a music study program entitled Certificate of Merit (CM). Initiated in 1933, the CM Program now serves approximately 30,000 students annually statewide, with music evaluation opportunities for students of Piano, Harp, Violin, Cello, Viola, Voice, Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium/Baritone & Tuba.
The goals of the CM Program are to:
- Provide a systematic and comprehensive plan to develop performance skill, technique, ear training, sight reading/singing and understanding of music theory.
- Develop practical goals to help students maintain a steady and focused approach to their musical studies.
- Encourage students to strive for musical excellence.
- Create opportunities in which students may share their music with others.
How the CM Program Works
- The CM program is based on the Certificate of Merit Syllabus, our music curriculum that guides teacher and students to develop proficiency in the art of making music through 11 sequenced Levels of instruction, in each of the above instruments. Your child s teacher will decide on the enrollment Level that is most appropriate. Students must be age 5 or older as of October 31 (the CM application deadline) to participate in the CM Program.
- Through the CM program, students work with their teachers on selected repertoire, technique, sight-reading, theory, and ear training for their enrolled level.
- The CM program culminates in our Certificate of Merit Evaluations (musical performance and theory assessments provided by a professional music Evaluator) which are conducted annually from mid-February through April throughout the state of California. Students receive results and comments for the performance evaluation (which includes sight-reading), and a numerical score for the theory evaluation (which includes ear-training).
- Teachers provide all written Evaluation results and theory tests to their students after Evaluations are complete statewide.
- Upon successful completion of all components of the Evaluation, students receive an official MTAC CM Certificate.
Fun "Extras" while studying at the Tuning Note Music Studio:
- Free Music-themed folder to choose from :)
Each student gets to choose their own folder to put their papers in:
- Chance to become a Grand Staff Master!
To become a Grand Staff Master, students must first get into the "One Minute Club", then the "Ledger Line Club"
(each involving naming notes on flash cards with a time limit). Next is naming all 48 flash cards to be come a Grand Staff Master.
Once in the One Minute Club, their picture goes on the wall on a special card with their time. Once they become a Grand Staff Master,
they can choose from various martial art poses online, then I crop their face to the pose they liked best, then it goes on the wall in
a special place for Grand Staff Masters!:
 original |
 student |
- One of a kind collection of scratch-n-sniff stickers! :)
At the end of each lesson, students are free to choose one sticker from each of two binders: regular stickers and Scratch-n-Sniff stickers!
Here's the list from each binder:
- Regular:
Music / School, Stars / Animals / Insects, Rainbows / Dora, Hello Kitty, Princess, My Little Pony / Dr. Seuss / Flowers / Food / Holidays / Jungle Book, Lion King / Marvel, The Incredibles / Miscellaneous / Ocean / Scooby Doo, Fairly Odd Parents / SpongeBob Squarepants / Travel
Apple, Apple Pie, Baby Powder, Bacon, Banana, Blueberry, Bologna, Bread, Brownie, Bubble Gum, Campfire, Caramel, Cherry Scent, Chili, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Roll, Coconut, Cola, Cotton Candy, Cow, Cough Drop, Dirt, Evergreen, Fireworks, Fish, Floral, Fruit Punch, Garbage, Grape, Grandma, Grandpa, Hamburger, Honey, Hot Dog, Jelly Bean, Ketchup, Leather, Lemon, Licorice, Lime, Marshmallow, Mint Chocolate Chip, Onion, Orange, Peach, Peanut Butter, Peppermint, Pickle, Pine, Pineapple, Pizza, Popcorn, Pumpkin, Race Car, Raspberry, Razzles, Root Beer, Sea Breeze, Smelly Cheese, Smoothie, Sour Apple, Spaghetti, Strawberry, Sugar Babies, Sunscreen, Tootsie Roll, Tutti-Frutti, Vanilla, Watermelon, Wet Dog, Zombie
Special Edition stickers:
Salsa, Taco, Burrito, Nachos;
French Toast, Maple Syrup, Pancakes, Waffle;
Bad Breath, Dog Breath, Dragon Breath, Morning Breath;
Hot Air Balloon, Sunny Sky, Sailboat, Kite
- Unique pencils, that change every week! :)
Here are just some of the fun pencils:
- Smencils (Spring theme): Tutti Frutti, Bubble Gum, Sour Apple, Jelly Bean
- Smencils (Soda Shop): Grape, Cherry Soda, Fizzy Pop, Root Beer, Orange Soda
- Smencils (Halloween): Blueberry, Pumpkin, Cherry, Plum, Candy Apple
- Smencils (Christmas): Gingerbread, Sugar Plum, Candy Cane, Mint Cocoa, Snow Berry
- Others: mechanical; oddly shapped; formed out of actual branches/sticks
Piano Lessons:
Methods/Materials used in teaching piano:
Faber and Faber
Magrath - Masterwork Classics
Marlais - The Festival Collection
As the student advances, more individual pieces are introduced (Sonatinas, Sketches in Color (Robert Starer), etc.)
Technical Studies and Exercises: Scales/Arpeggios
Theory: 1/2 steps and whole steps, intervals, circle of fifths, etc.
Additional exercises and pieces are made specifically for each student as necessary
For the more advanced students:
Bach (Preludes, Two-Part Inventions, etc.), Various Sonatas (one or more movements), etc.
Technical Studies and Exercises: Introduction to new Scales/Arpeggios; also Hanon, Czerny, Pischna and more
Trumpet Lessons:
Methods/Materials used in teaching trumpet:
Rubank (Elementary, Intermediate)
First Book of Practical Studies (R. Getchell)
Standard of Excellence series B.Pearson
Essential Elements series
Technical Studies and Exercises: Scales; exercises emphasizing slurring, tongueing, intervals, expression, etc.
Additional exercises made specifically for each student as necessary
For the more advanced students:
Rubank (Advanced)
Embouchure Builder (L.Little)
Advanced Lip Flexibilities (C.Colin)
Etudes for Trumpet (V.Brandt)
Additional materials include:
Rubank Selected Duets (H.Voxman editor)
Practice Duets (Arthur Amsden)
Also various solo materials.
French Horn Lessons:
Methods/Materials used in teaching trumpet:
Rubank (Elementary, Intermediate)
Standard of Excellence series B.Pearson
Essential Elements series
Technical Studies and Exercises: Scales; exercises emphasizing slurring, tongueing, intervals, expression, etc.
Additional exercises made specifically for each student as necessary
For the more advanced students:
Rubank (Advanced)
Additional materials include:
Easy Classic French Horn Duets (Oosthuizen)
Rubank Selected Duets (H.Voxman editor)
Also various solo materials.
Jazz Improvisation:
Materials used in teaching jazz improvisation:
o Recommended recordings for listening, listening, listening!
o Play-alongs: Self-made .mp3 recordings; recommended Jamey Aebersold and Hal Leonard play-alongs
o Various materials depending on instrument (including Hal Leonard Jazz Guitar , etc.)
o Various transcriptions (from books, as wells as those assigned to be done by ear)
Some technical studies: Numerous scales and patterns; Technical Studies for The Modern Trumpet' (Pat Harbison), etc.